A deeply engrossing true crime comic. On Tuesday, March 1st 1932 the infant son of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, one of the most famous men in America, was kidnapped from his bedroom. Rick Geary tell the story of the events prior to and following the discovery of kidnapping. It is a remarkable story with a cast of characters that could grace any crime story. While a man was tried and convicted of the crime there are enough questions remaining to leave room for doubt. Charles Lindbergh had gained worldwide fame with his sole flight across the Atlantic in 1927, he was a national hero in America and possibly the best known man in the country. The kidnapping of his child was “The Crime of the Century” and attracted an astonishing array of official investigators others who involved themselves in the case for a variety of reasons. One of the most horrifying aspects to the case is the way the kidnapping was exploited by fraudsters, not always for financial reasons. While a ransom was paid, after a near farcical process, the child was not returned. Subsequent events led to his discovery. A suspect was finally arrested in 1934, he was traced via the ransom money. He was tried, convicted and executed. Rick Geary presents the whole story, being careful not to add to the story, he sticks to what is known and avoids speculation, in a very clear, comprehensive and gripping fashion. The introduces all the relevant people clearly and concisely, the multiple details of the investigation are presented with great clarity. Rick Geary remains non-judgemental throughout the book, he presents the details and the questions that remain. His art is detailed and clear, the panel layouts are carefully used to provide as much information as possible without crowding the page. This superb comic treats a sensational topic with care and respect, informative and compelling it is well worth reading.