Very engaging and enjoyable science fiction superhero story. Danica Maris is employed on Space Station Sanctury Six as as assistant astronomer until she becomes the Star Power Sentinal, an ancient threath has returned and the Star Power Sentinal is needed again.
The story is a classic superhero set up delivered with tremendous confidence and energy that shows why the genre is so resilient, done well it is very engaging and enjoyable. Michael Terracciano respects the readers enough to provide a straightforward superhero story that embraces the genre with energy and confident skill. The two significant problems of a superhero storyy are managed with care and telling detail. The first is the origin of the superhero, Michael Terraccianohas chosen the transformation route which can be tricky to pull off. How to transform a slightly marginal character into the superhero without annoying a reader is a difficult task, this is part of the essential fantasy of a superhero, the key link for the reader to the character. The transformation in Star Power is very nicely done, Danica Maris is introduced and transformed with skillful economy and attention to detail, the story is in part the extension of the transformation as Danica Maris comes to terms with being Star Power.
The second problem is the opposition, if they are not powerful enough to be a problem for a superhero then there is no dramatic tension in the story. Michael Terracciano has made this look easy, the threat is substantial and requires the full power and brains of the superhero to manage, it is a happily close fought struggle. The end may never have been in doubt, the journey is great fun and nicely unexpected.
Garth Graham is a superb science fiction superhero artist, the cast, context and action are exactly what they should be. The cosmic context is created and supported with telling detail, the physical space of the space stations are done with tremendous flair, they feel right, functional and futuristic at the same time. The cast are great, Star Power is clearly a human female without being grotesquely disproportionate, the opposition are different, expressive and powerful. The colouring is science fiction colouring that captures the emotional tones and nuances of the story with care, it gives the context shape and definition critical to supporting the action.
Comics are a natural home for science fiction and Star Power is a hugely enjoyable comic that happily reminds readers why superheros are so much fun.