Ilegal Cargo is a deeply engaging comic tracing the journey a father takes to try and find his daughter in Mexico. Helena had left El Slavador to go to the USA for a better life and is last heard from in Mexico City. Her father, Jose, sets out to find her after a strange encounter. The journey is brutal and the comclusion unexpected. The story is grim, the travellers are preyed upon at every opportunity by thieves and gangsters, they take terrible risks riding on the top of rail cars. Augusta Mora never lets his cast be simply stereotypes or symbols, they have the spark of life and all are fighting to survive. Jose travels a double journey, both physically and one of redemption for a barely lived life. The art is sharp and engaging, the cast are given worn out faces and bruised bodies, everyone has been battered by their life. The body language is eloquent as they struggle to survive. The walk on parts and the supporting cast are given the opportunity to register with the reader and stand for themselves. The colours are a joy, they catch and manage the emotional tone for the story with subtle grace, they weight and depth to the art. The lettering is functional, it is easy to read without adding anything in particular to the comic. Illegal Cargo is clearly the product of a distinctive creative imagination and strong story telling craft, it packs a punch that makes it a pleasure to read.