Fantastic comedy horror mash-up that takes a horror genre staple into wonderfully unexpected and hilarious directions. The Turner family, Bob (father), Laura (mother), Matty (son), Sophie (adopted daughter) appears to be a regular sort of family. Bob recently laid off, Laura starting a job she does not want for a boss she cannot abide, Matty enjoying school and Sophie suffering terrible nightmares. Everything abruptly changes when a group of visiting Russian dignitaries to the Cold War Museum where Laura works turn out have a secret agenda. Events spiral out of control in the most wonderful fashion and the Turners find themselves on the run pursued by the villains.
The villains are exactly who they present themselves as which wonderfully creates the space for the Turners to not quite be who they appear to be. Robert Krisch’s talent and confidence mean that the delicate balance between loud confrontations, family dynamics and superbly staged reveals work perfectly. The set ups and the way the cast respond to them is a joy to read. Each one is an opportunity for each member of the Turner family to be themselves and they embrace it with vigor. The reader is never cheated with the unexpected, they are given the opportunity to hugely enjoy it instead.
The story escalates with powerful momentum and the story elements twist together in a very satisfying way. Robert Krisch never avoids an obvious joke; it is the skill with which they are used that is such a delight.
The art by Aleksandar Bozic Ske is a deep pleasure to read. The cast are astoundingly expressive, the page layouts deliver all the aspects of the story perfectly. The power and relentless energy of the art captures the requirements of the story and bring out all the details for the reader. Big action scenes and talking heads are all delivered with skill and care, they allow the story to be intimate and explosive and wholly coherent.
Turner Family Terrors is powerful expression od individual creativity and talent. The creator’s willingness to take creative risks, to allow Bob and Laura be multi-dimensional characters, cracking open cliches to show the reason they became cliches in the first place is exhilarating. Robert Krisch and Aleksandar Bozic Ske ask the reader to trust them, and they repay that trust in full. Turner Family Terrors is a vivid demonstration of the joyous possibilities of comics and outstanding pleasure to read.