In this issue the story explodes as a lot of information is provided. Corvan Moore sets about paying the price demanded for the lives of his children. The various groups and individuals who know much more than Corvan are all in motion and trouble starts to come to a boil. Bits of information, hints and allegations abound as new cast members make an entrance and the existing cast move their plans forward. What pins it together is how determined Corvan seems to be to avoid understanding what is going on, he is rushing into action without reflecting on why other can drive him so fast. There is clearly a larger story emerging, there are events happening that will only make sense when the greater context is revealed. Nuno Xei is a confident enough writer to be able to assemble a partial jigsaw in an issue and not frustrate the reader, rather it creates a nice anticipation for how it will play out. Xerx Javier’s art continues to add detail to the world of Raven Nevermore as new member join the cast and the action develops and extends. The costumes are a pleasure to see, they nicely mix up historical and fantastical to great effect and give the world depth and detail. The shifts from one story to another are very nicely managed, and the art brings out all of the strength of the writing. With glowing colours, Axel Rator, gives a flashy exuberant life to the story that is needed to make the story soar. The colours pick out the details of the art and support the emotional context with precision. Ed Brisson’s lettering continues to be vital and unobtrusive, it is smooth and easy to read, never slowing down the flow of the story. The cover by Samuel Cassal is rapidly developing into a powerful declaration for the story. This issue is full of the sounds of story gears shifting, I am looking forward to where we are going.