A very engaging and enjoyable science fiction anthology, very diverse stories that sit harmoniously together as a deeply satisfying collection.
The Switch, Alexander Altman (Writer), Cheuk Po (Art), Kane Gallagher (Colours), Christian Docolomansky (Letters). This is a great fun story that proves no matter how far in the future you go, stupidity will still trip you up. Alexander Altman has written a very nice crime/science fiction mash up, it catches the requirements of both genres without hesitation. Cheuk Po’s art manages the same balance with great details that support both story aspects. Kane Gallagher clearly knows what the colours of the science fiction future are and uses then with care to give the story a strong sense of place and depth. Christian Docolomansky letters are easy and natural, the spare sound effects are used very effectively.
Good Son, Victor Franzo (Writer), Patrick Caetano (Art) is a short, direct shot to the heart. A man comes home to die. The set up is as bare and simple as possible and has the room for a multitude of emotions and thoughts. Patrick Caetano’s stylised art is pitch perfect for the detail and spirit of the story. Getting something this delicate and short right is an amazing achievement.
Victorious Haze: One for the Road. Michael Gordon (Writer), Estanislao Marugo, Frenando Maiaru (Art and Letters), is a superb western science fiction mash up. A stranger comes into a dusty town and stirs things up. The stranger is a lot stranger than he appears, not half as strange as who he is chasing. A classic western set up is finished off with a lovely science fiction twist. Estanislao Marugo and Frenando Maiaru art and colours capture the spirit and detail of Michael Gordon’s smart story.
Contact. Julio Paz y Vadala (Writer), Cesar Eduardo (Art), Chris Allen (Colours). Julio Paz y Vadala has the skill and confidence to pull of this story, he uses the inevitability really nicely. The art by Cesar Eduardo matches and contrasts the narrative split very well, it catches the focus on the countdown to the conclusion. Chris Allen uses the clours to sharply and subtly differentiate so thaty both parts match and collide exactly as they should.
Lost Boys. Mateo Garcia (Writer), Jeferson Sanzinski (Art) is full bore hard science fiction that compresses a lot of story into s short space. Beginning with a genre classic of a final message from a stranded space craft, the story twists and turns before arriving at a genuinely unexpected and very satisfying conclusion. Mateo Garcia mixes up a great deal in the story and has the disipline to make it all work and deliver a very strong pay off. Jeferson Sanzinski’s black and white art is a match for the story, the panels are used to control the pace and flow, the action is brutal and has real weight and impact. The sound efects are used with skill to support the tension and underline the action. Smart, sharp science fiction.
Across the Void. Marta Tanrikulu (Writer), Kevin Enhart (Illustrator), Delfine Siobhan Kanashii (Colours), E.T. Dollman (Letters), is thoughtful, gripping and happily unexpected. An unexpected end to a huge journey creates questions that can only have hard answers. Matching the sweep of space opera with closely confined drama Marta Tanrikulu has followed a different and very engaging path.Kevin Enhart manages the difficult task of making the context reald and detailed and giving the cast the life and expression they have to have. Delfine Siobhan Kanashii,s restrained and slightly subdued colours frame the emotional framework of the story carefully and bring out the nuances of the story and the art. The lettering by E.T. Dollman is easy and natural, fitting in with deep unobtrusive skill.
Tales from Orbit 2 is a substantial serving of first rate, imaginative and thoughtful science fiction, just a pleasure to read and linger over.
Chief Wizard Note: This is a review copy very kindly sent by Kim Roberts, if you wish to purchase a copy of Tales from Orbit 2, you should what more could you want to increase you joy in living than great science fiction comics?, you can get it it from here http://www.wpcomicsltd.com/